Golden Years: Part II

Last time I left you on this photo shoot, I had gotten about halfway through the looks we worked with on the day. If you missed that blog post, you can catch up on the first few looks here.

Otherwise, keep scrolling to see more of my work, and more looks from the day! We worked outside more for the final few looks to compliment the colours of the garments. I enjoyed working at this location so much. The building itself is beautiful, but the Autumnal colours thrown in was just a bonus! Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year for fashion photo shoots, the golden light and warm colours of the landscape are just dreamy to work with; especially with Olivia’s Nomad and Witching Hour collections!

I’m still massively grateful that this editorial got featured as a webitorial on Penny Magazine. I can’t wait to show you the shoots I’ve been working on lately, keep your eyes peeled!

It’s a very tricky and unpredictable time at the moment with everything that is going on. I have never seen so many freelancers so worried, I’m hoping this storm will pass soon. To the creatives, hipster bar and coffee shop owners, musicians, whatever it is you do that makes you your own boss… Hang in there - you have got this! Now is the time to support your community in whatever way you can. Whether that is booking a job in advance (which can be rescheduled if needs be), purchasing a voucher, or just sharing someone’s work. Any bit will help and make independent businesses do a little happy dance in these crappy times.

Photography & Post Processing: Amelia Gale-Hasleham Photography
Wardrobe & Styling: Olivia Annabelle Apparel
Model: Emma Clarke
Photography & Styling Assistant: Zoe Evans (AKA Top Carrot Portfolio)

Golden Years: Part I

I’m so excited to show more of this photo shoot after my webitorial feature in Penny Magazine. Back in October, I collaborated with the talented Olivia Annabelle Apparel. I had this photo shoot planned for a long time (I discovered Olivia’s work whilst I was living in Surfer’s Paradise!) and I’m so glad with the way it has turned out. I was so excited to receive an email that my magazine submission was successful in becoming a webitorial. You can view the editorial on the Penny Magazine website here.

Now a bit of a backstory on Golden Years… I had a few sources of inspiration for this photo shoot. I was inspired by models and musical icons from the sixties and seventies, my main muses were Charlotte Rampling and David Bowie - the title is reminiscent of David Bowie’s song of the same title, Golden Years; which happened to be released in 1976. I was also inspired by autumnal colour palettes, and the rock and roll lifestyle which these icons lived in stately homes in the countryside. David Bowie and girlfriend at the time, Angie rented a thirty room mansion in London where they invited several friends to live with them. If you need something to watch, search for the Documentary “David Bowie - The Man Who Changed the World”, he had such a fascinating life, and his story of struggle to then rising like a phoenix from the ashes is incredibly inspiring.

I’m digressing slightly, so here is Part I of Golden Years, Part II will follow on the blog soon.


Photography & Editing: Amelia Gale-Hasleham Photography
Wardrobe & Styling: Olivia Annabelle Apparel
Model: Emma Clarke
Photography & Styling Assistant: Top Carrot Portfolio

I hope you like these photographs so far, leave a comment if you fancy and introduce yourself!

Amelia xoxo